In the City of Chicago, the administrative adjustment process offers property owners a streamlined way to make minor modifications to zoning standards or land use regulations. Unlike a variation application, which requires a formal public hearing and review by the Zoning Board of Appeals, administrative adjustments can be approved directly by the Zoning Administrator. This process allows a property owner to make a minor deviation from the zoning standard without going through the public hearing process.
For instance, if a residential property owner in Chicago wants to build a deck addition in the rear yard, but the proposal would slightly encroach into the rear yard setback line, the City’s administrative adjustment process may be the best option for solving the problem.
Understanding the Administrative Adjustment Process
Administrative adjustments are intended to provide a streamlined approval procedure for minor modifications of selected zoning standards. These adjustments are designed to enable developments that align more closely with the established character of local neighborhoods, promote the rehabilitation and reuse of existing buildings, and offer limited flexibility for new construction to address unique development conditions.
The administrative adjustment process is available on a limited basis, so it’s important to review the legal requirements to understand whether this alternative to the variation process is an available option. If it is, an administrative adjustment application must be submitted, including all required supplemental documentation and fees.
Additionally, neighboring property owners must be notified of the request and allowed to review the application. The Zoning Administrator then reviews the application to determine if the specific approval criteria associated with the administrative adjustment have been met. If approved, the applicant can bypass the more time-consuming and costly variation application process.
Eligible Zoning Issues
Zoning issues eligible for the administrative adjustment process include, but are not limited to:
- Lot area
- Floor area ratio
- Porch and stairwell enclosures
- Below-grade terraces
- Setbacks (front, rear, and side)
- Rear yard open spaces
- Building heights
- Spacing between townhouses
- Nonconforming licensed taverns
- Frontages on private streets
- Certain parking requirements
- Non-conforming dwelling units (e.g., shared housing units)
- Driveway/vehicle access standards
- Ground-floor commercial space requirements
It’s important to note that not all zoning issues and minor modifications are eligible for administrative adjustments. Most adjustments are limited to minor modifications that do not drastically alter the intended use or character of a property. If you have questions about the administrative adjustment process, feel free to contact us at 224-955-7095.
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