You Need a Setback Variance – Now What?
A setback variance is one of the most common types of variances that a property owner may need as part of a new development project. Casually referred to as “setbacks,” the minimum setback requirements are codified standards which mandate the minimum distance that a building or structure must be placed from the property line or […]
The Comprehensive Plan May Impact Your Zoning Application
A Comprehensive Plan is an official map with land uses and guidelines for land development. It outlines a community’s goals, visions, and policies for future growth. It also provides a general framework for land use, zoning, transportation, infrastructure, housing, economic development, and environmental protection over a specified period, typically ranging from 10 to 20 years. […]
Meet our Founder!
Whether you’re looking for trusted counsel on an existing matter or a future project, we thought we’d share with you a little bit about our Founding Attorney, Katarina Karac (“Kat”). Not every attorney is a good fit for every client and vice versa. If you’re considering hiring our firm to represent you on a land […]
America’s Most Beautiful Libraries
In the digital age, where information is readily accessible at our fingertips, there is something truly magical about stepping into a library. Libraries are more than just repositories of books; they are gateways to knowledge, imagination, and inspiration. Beyond their functional purpose, some libraries around the world possess a unique charm that transports visitors to […]
How do Easements Impact Property Values?
An easement is a non-possessory right or privilege in another person’s real property. There are different types of easements recognized in Illinois, including express, implied, and presumed easements. The most common type of easement is an express easement. An express easement is created through an agreement between the owner of the dominant estate (the party […]
Building ADUs in Chicago May Get Easier Soon
In December 2020, Chicago City Council approved the Additional Dwelling Units (ADU) Ordinance, expanding housing access across Chicago by allowing ADUs in attics, basements, and accessory buildings. Common names for these types of housing units include coach houses, backyard houses, granny flats, and in-law suites. ADUs were common in Chicago throughout the first half of […]
Unlocking the Value of Land with a Special Use Permit
A special use permit, sometimes known as a conditional use permit, is a legal document or authorization granted by a local government that allows a property owner or occupant to use a property that deviates from the standard or permitted uses outlined by the existing zoning regulations. While the zoning ordinance technically permits special uses, […]
Avoid Common Building and Zoning Violations
Building and Zoning Code violations cloud title and reduce the value of real property. Further, unabated violations can add up to thousands of dollars in enforcement fines. State and municipal laws concerning code standards vary depending on the specific jurisdiction where the property is located. However, the following are some of the most frequent violations […]
Federal Pro-Housing Land Use and Zoning Reforms
For real estate developers and investors in the multi-family sector of the market, it’s important to understand how federal policies may impact future development opportunities. While zoning regulations fall primarily under the purview of local and state governments, the Biden-Harris Administration has taken unprecedented steps to address the national housing crisis. In late 2022, Congress […]
How Does the Illinois Open Meetings Act Affect the Zoning Approval Process?
Whether you are seeking a zoning variance, a zoning map amendment (rezoning), or a special use permit, it’s important to know the legal requirements for conducting a public meeting. Understanding the Illinois Open Meetings Act allows you and your team to advocate more confidently and effectively before administrative, quasi-legislative, and quasi-judicial bodies and to object […]